Saturday 27 February 2016

Towards universal coverage

 persistent  lack of the insurance  among many workers american continueds to the creats pressure  for a comprehansive national  health insurance system . in the early  1970  there are fierce  debate between  two models  for universal  coverage . senator ted  kennedy proposed  the universal  singles  payert system  while president  nixon countered  with  the  own proposal baseed  on the mandates and the incentives '.

   for employers to the provides  coverage  while  workers and  series of the economic problems  laters in which decade  diverteds congress attentions awayes from health  reforms . shortly after his inauguration  president clinton  offered  a new propose from the  universal health insurance system . like nixon s plans clinton relied  on the mandates both for the individuals health  insurance system .like and for  insurers   alongs with are the both for individual  and for three    insure along with subsidies  for people who could not affords insurers .

    Finally  achieving  universal health coverage remaineds a top priority amongs democrats  and passing  the health reform  bill was one of  obama   administration  top priorities  . the patient  protection  and affordable  care  act  was simalar the nixons and clinton  plants mandating  coverage employments who failds the  provides  it  earlier version  of the bill increase bublicly  run insurer  that are the employments sponsored  to may be coverage  but this  was ultimatly strpped   to the bill passed to the senate  in december  2009  with alll the  march 2010  with the supports to most  deomocrat   . not a single republican  voteds  in favor  of the  it  either  time and compete  to covera ge  the time .

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