Sunday 28 February 2016

POP : Print - of - Service Plans

 Many  HMO offer  an individual  types of options known as  a point  of  services  or " POS "health care plans .  the primary  case doctors in a POS  plans usually  make referral  to other  providess in the where aurt in the health  plans  . but in a POP plains  members can  refer them  selvers  out  sides
 the plans and  stilling get we have to pay coinsurance  .

    If  the doctors  makes a refers out the  network  the health case  plan pay  all or  most  of  the  bill .  if  your refers  your self  to a out sides   the network  and the  service  is  coverage   by  the  health  plans you  will have to pay coinsurances .

                  PPO : Preferred Provider  Organizations

  The preferred provider organization  or PPO  is the combinations  of traditionals  fee  for  service  and  an HMO .  likes an HMO there are  the limations number  of  doctors  and hospitals to choose  from.  when you  use  these  provide most  o f  the sometime  provides network  of your  medicals  bills are covered .

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