Tuesday 9 February 2016

Damage claims from recent winters lead to home insurance rate hike

There are rising costs for home insurance in West Michigan, and WZZM 13 is looking at why recent winters are to blame.
Local insurance companies tell WZZM 13 that the amount of damage claims from last winter and the year before are forcing them to increase rates.
When the snow and ice finally come down, financial responsibility often falls on the insurance companies in the form of damage claims.
"The last two winters have brought a big increase in weather related claims," says Kevin Lacey, owner of a Farmers Insurance agency in Holland.
Lacey says whether or not your house was damaged, you may indirectly be paying for it.
"You're in a pool with a lot of other people, and if there's been more and more claims, then obviously the insurance companies have to charge more," says Lacey.
Lacey's been with Farmers Insurance for five years. He says until three weeks ago, there had not been a spike on home insurance rates.   Now, he says rates at for his insurance company are on average $40 to $50 more per year.
"I do have many customers that are coming in and getting quotes from me because their rates have gone up on their homes, too, so I know across the board it's pretty widespread," says Lacey.
Lacey says each rate hike has to be approved by the state.
"They (insurance companies) are regulated on how much profit they can make and they just want to have enough to have enough left over when they cover everything that happens," says Lacey.
He had 22 claims two winters ago, but fortunately not a single one yet this winter.
Lacey says the fact that there haven't been nearly as many claims this winter could bode well for homeowner insurance rates in the future.

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