Saturday 27 February 2016

The rise of employer - sponsored coverage

  employer  - sponsored health insurance  plans dramaticslly expands as a the  directs result of the wage controls  implications by the  federal government  during  World War ll  .the labor marketd demands for the good and  decreaseds  supply of the work during tthe  war , federally imposed wage  and price controle  prohibited  manufacturer and  other employer  from raising  wages enought  to attract workers .

   when the war labor  board  declareds  that fringes bene fits such as sick leave and health insurance  did not  counts as the wages for the   purpose  of the wages control  employers responesed then  significants increase offer of the fringle  benefits  espects health care coverage to attracts worker  .

     president  harry s  truman proposed  a system  that would be the plan november 19  1945  address  .he envisions a national system that would be  open to the american   but would remain options  which  would coverage the cost any and all  medical expenses  that the arose in time of service rendered  by the doctor  who chose to join the programs .in the additions the insure plane would  give cash balance  to the police  hold to replace iost due t illness or injury  .the proposeal was  quite popular with in the  public but it was fiercely  opposed   by the ama which denounced  it is the as socialism .

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