Tuesday 9 February 2016

'My parked BMW was hit - my insurance premiums doubled'

Paul Stevenson was in no way to blame when a driver reversed into the back of his car.
His BMW was properly parked in a Sainsbury’s car park at the time, and he was inside shopping.

"As insurance is based on risk, some insurers may view that by being involved in one accident, regardless of blame, you are more likely to make another claim in the future."
Matt Oliver, Gocompare.com
That was in October 2015. Mr Stevenson claimed and Admiral settled, paying £1,268.
And it was his only claim that year.
So when Admiral provided him with a renewal quote in December, he was shocked to see his premium rise 93pc from £424 to £819.
After several inquiries by Mr Stevenson, Admiral admitted that his single, “not at fault” claim was part of the reason.
In a letter it said:
In other words, Admiral was telling Mr Stevenson he was more likely than other drivers to make a claim within coming months or years.
He was astonished, and argued that as he had done nothing whatever by way of causing the damage, the incident should not be used to raise the price of his cover.
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When Telegraph Money contacted Admiral it repeated the argument.
It said Mr Stevenson’s drastic renewal premium increase was “uncommon”.
Mr Stevenson was told the decision to rate on non-fault accidents is not unique to Admiral
“We include all sorts of information to calculate a premium,” a spokesman said. “It is possible in some cases notifying us of a non-fault claim may not cause a renewal price to increase.”
It offered him a reduced premium of £664.50 which it said was the best it could do. He found cover elsewhere for less.

How much do non-fault claims push up the cost of cover?

Matt Oliver, car insurance expert at comparison site Gocompare.com, said Admiral’s use of non-fault data is not unusual.
Reporting accidents, however minor, and whether or not the policyholder was to blame, can have the effect of raising premiums, he said.
He said: “As insurance is based on risk, some insurers may view that by being involved in one accident, regardless of blame, you are more likely to make another claim in the future.
“While the effect this may have on your insurance premiums is typically less dramatic than with an at fault claim, some drivers may find that having a history of not at fault claims can mean their insurance premiums are higher in the future.”
Gocompare obtained a number of quotes for Telegraph Money to demonstrate the effect.
The below table takes into account the 10 cheapest quotes for a driver based on Mr Stevenson’s age (57), postcode and vehicle type.

No claims
Not at fault claim
At fault claim
Average premium for 57 year old
Source: GoCompare
A separate survey of insurers, undertaken by the British Insurance Brokers’ Association found that where drivers had one no-fault claim approximately 60pc of insurers applied no extra loading to the premium at all.
Around 35pc loaded the premium by 5pc, and a small group representing 5pc of insurers pushed the premium up by a whacking 30pc.
But BIBA’s research found two non-fault claims are much more likely to impact on premiums.
Here the number of insurers polled who said they applied no mark-up to premiums fell to just 4pc.
Another 5pc of insurers loaded premiums but relatively insignificantly.
A small number (another 5pc) applied loadings of up to 10pc.
The rest applied loadings ranging from 10pc up to 50pc, BIBA said.
In Mr Stevenson’s case it is possible his premium increase was in part driven by the fact he had been with Admiral for one year. Many insurers attract new customers with very low premiums, only to raise them sharply at renewal – regardless of claims history.
Mr Oliver said: “It’s not surprising for drivers to see their insurance premiums increase significantly at renewal, especially if they have made a claim in the past year.”

Do I have to tell my insurer if I have a no-fault incident and the other driver arranges the repair?

Most policies state that drivers must inform their insurer of any accident, even if a claim is not made, according to Malcolm Tarling of the Association of British Insurers.
This is regardless of who was at fault.
He says this stipulation can work in policyholders’ interests as “early notification means your insurer is in a better position to protect you if the third party changes their mind and tries to make a claim.”
But he also gave the reason most policy Ts & Cs require drivers to notify insurers of any accident is because it “helps insurers calculate risk”.
This tallies with Admiral’s argument that: “the higher your exposure, the more likely you may be to claim.”
He warns that failing to report incidents could put drivers in breach of their contract.

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