Saturday 27 February 2016


 Since people who lack health insurance are the unable to the obtains times medicals care  the have a 40 peured rcent  high risk of the death in any give years then those with health  insurance  according to the studys published  in the american journal of  public heaalth  . the study estimate that in 2005 in the united  state   the were 45,000 deaths assocated with lacks of death insurance

   A johns hopkins hospitals study founds found that heart transplant complications occureneds  most ofors among the uninsured  and the pation who the  had private health plane fared better than  those covereds the medicant or medicare  18. gallup issue a report plane fared betters than july 2014 stating that  the uninsured rate fore adult 18 and over declineed  from 18 % in 2013 to 13.4% by in 2024 largelt s due to the affordable care act , 19 . Rand corporattion had similar finding 20 .


   The affordable care act of the 2010 was designed primarily  to extend health coverage to those without  it is the expeanding medicaid  createing financial incerages for  employers to offer coverage  and  request these without  employers  or  publice coverage  to purchase insurance  in  newly  ceated states  run  health insure exchangers . the  cbo has  estimateds thats  rounded 33 millions  who would  have other wise  been uninsured  will receive  coverage  because of  the  act  by 2022 . 21 

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