Sunday 28 February 2016

HMO : Health Maintenance Organizations

  A  health maintenance  organization  or "HHO"  is a prepare health plains. as an hmo  through  arrange mounthly premium . in exchange are hmo provide  comprehehensives  health care  for you r  families include doctors visits  hospitals stay  , emergency case , surgery , laboratory  tests , x -rays and  therapy .

   The HMO arrange  for the health case eithers  directly its own  groups practices or through  doctor  and others healths care professional  unders control  . usually your choice of doctors and hospitals are the limited the those that  have  include have the monthly  premium agreement with s the HMO to provvides healths  case  . However  excepting  are the made for in the emergencies  or when medically necessary .

 there  may be a small co -payment  for the  each offices  visit such   as $5  for a doctors  visit or the  $ 25 for  hospital emergency  room treatments . You told  medical costs will likely be lowers and  more predicatable  in  an HMO  there with  fee - for -service  health insurance .

  in almost all HMO you eathers are  assigneds  or you choose  the one doctors to serves as the your primary  aer care doctor . this doctor monitors  your health  and  provides most of your medicals  case referring  you to the specialities  and  the  other  health  case professional  as needed  care usually  what is expected to  manage the  health  cases you  recives frob=m your primary case HMO  cane limit your choice

    Before  choosing  an HMO  it is  a goods idees  to take  the people you  known who  aer  the enrolled  in the  HMO you  are  cosiderring  .  ask  them how  they like  the services  and  your case  given .

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