Saturday 27 February 2016


 see also : History  of insurance

 accident  insurance  was first offered in the  united states bye the franklin  health assurance  company of  massachusetts  , this  firm  found  in  1850 , offered insurance  against injuries arising  from railroad  and   steamboat accidents . sixty  organizations were offering accident  insureance in the us by 1866  but  the industry consolidated  repidly soons thereafter .  while  there were earlier experiments  the us effectively  data from 1890 .  the first employer  - sponsored group disability police  was  issure in 1911  but this plain primary purpose  was  replacing  wages  lost due the inable to work  not medical  expenses..

   Before the development of the medicals expenses insuranse platients were  expected  to pay all other health care costs out of the own pockets unders what is  known as  the free  - for  - service  business model .  During  the middle to the late 20th century .

       During the 1920s  individuals on the pre  -paid  basic  eventuallers  leading  to the 1930s. indivuals hospitals beings offering service  to individuals on a  dallas  texas in 1929  .  because the plane only covered  members  expert  at the single hospital it is the forerunner of the todays  health  health mainntene  organization  hmos .
    in the 1930s  the rooservelt  administations explort possibilities  for the  create   a  nationals  health of insurance programe  while is was designing  the a social security  system  .  but  it was abandoned  the projects because the american  medical  association  AMA  fiercely  opposed it along with  alll the forms  of  healths     insurance at that time .

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