Thursday 26 May 2016

Road Accident Compensation

Road Accident Compensation
Our call is FREE and we will deal with EVERY aspect of your claim. We will report the accident to your insurance company on your behalf, we organise the repairs to your vehicle via the insurance company at fault, NO EXCESS TO PAY and your no claims bonus remains intact. ACR will provide a ‘like for like ‘ replacement vehicle to your door at no cost to you. (Normally your insurance company will only provide a small Corsa/Fiesta type vehicle free of charge). We (if wanted) will visit you at home to complete any necessary paperwork and guide you step by step through the personal injury procedure. All our personal injury solicitors are regulated by The Law Society. We also offer HOME VISITS for ALL our Customers.

A strict time limit of 3 years after an accident applies to most claims for compensation. You should ask for legal advice as soon as possible after an accident or becoming aware of health problems resulting from your military service. Evidence from witnesses and documentary evidence is much easier to find sooner rather than later after an event. Anyone under 18 at the time of an accident has until their 21st birthday to make their claim.

The mere fact that an accident occurred is not by itself sufficient to prove that the defendant has been negligent. The burden of proof is on the plaintiff (in this case the person injured) to show that on the balance of probability, the accident was caused by the fault (negligence) of the defendant(s). The
burden of proof of liability for a personal injury claim may be based on a number of causes of action.
The Fatal Accidents Act 1976 provides for a fatal accident compensation award on behalf of the dependants” of the Deceased. The Dependents are usually the Spouse, Partner, Children of the Deceased. However, we do understand that compensation following a fatal accident is often a secondary thought, but making a claim helps maintain financial stability and relieve the financial worry and stress that comes with losing a bread-winning spouse or partner. Often a claim out of financial necessity as well as getting to the truth of what happened following a sudden fatal accident tends to be the dominant factors when family dependents instruct solicitors.

Regarding the Plaintiff's loss of wage claim, there was a contradiction in the evidence. For example, with respect to disability benefit applications by the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff replied to a truss manufacturing company in Fort MacLeod, Alberta stating that she could start work immediately and was prepared to commute to Fort Macleod, a round trip distance of 100 km each day from Lethbridge. She also claimed the company would soon be moving to Lethbridge although there was no evidence the company was moving to Lethbridge.

While they had their differences and sometimes argued over money or Mr. Palmquist's hunting and fishing trips, their marriage was basically sound. They had never formally separated although Mrs. Palmquist testified that she had asked Mr. Palmquist to leave for a day or two more than once after a disagreement. They had never consulted counsellors, lawyers or begun divorce proceedings.

An accident can happen at any time. At work, whilst driving, or simply when out and about, but it is always when least expected. This can have a huge impact on everyday life; especially if your injuries mean you cannot work for a while, or if your incapacity means you will have difficulty looking after yourself or young children. At TMJ Legal Services our dedicated team of experienced, specialist personal injury lawyers will not only be able to advise where you stand legally and whether you can claim compensation for your injuries, but may also be able to assist with arranging medical treatment, care and rehabilitation designed to get you back on your feet as quickly as possible.

General damages upheld by the Alberta Court of Appeal at (2000) 76 Alta. L.R. (3d) 9. A thirty-two year old female suffered lacerations to her face, head, arms, broken ribs, whiplash and a severe and permanent injury to her right wrist. She had a Master's Degree in music and could not play her trumpet. She was at a top U.S.A. school. The wrist injury was of a soft tissue nature. The Plaintiff was found to be credible. There was no explanation as to why the wrist injury had not healed, but no one suggested that the pain was not real. Mr. Justice Hembroff awarded $65,000.00 in general damages, updated to 2009 is $89,229.00.

If you are planning on filing suit against an individual or some other entity that is not the government or a government agency, there is not set time limit in which you have to notify that person of your intention to file a lawsuit. However, this does not mean that you should take your time with the matter. By acting quickly and efficiently, you will probably increase your chances of resolving your claim faster than if you delay.

It is standard practice for insurance adjusters to begin negotiations by first offering a very low settle­ment amount - or, sometimes, denying ­liability altogether. With this tactic, the adjuster is trying to find out whether you understand what your claim is worth and to see if you are so ­impatient to get some money that you will take any amount.

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