Thursday 26 May 2016

Health Care At Home

Health care that doesn’t cost you more and is comforting indeed
StartingSfrom the pantry to bed side, home remedies can help to prevent seasonal colds or cure a stubborn case of flu.

Garlic tea immune enhancer –
A well known immune system strengthens “garlic” shines as an antibacterial and anti viral herb for fighting colds, coughs and the flu. One of the best ways to take advantage of garlic’s heating properties is by drinking fresh garlic tea, sweetened with a little raw honey. Peel off 2 to 3 cloves of fresh garlic and lightly crush them. Add them to two cups of water and bring it to boil. Steam the garlic and allow the tea to cool to mouth temperature. Add raw honey, a tiny pinch of pepper and squeeze lemon juice. Drink as much as desired.

 Raw Honey Lemon For Sore Throat –
A mixture of fresh lemon juice and raw honey provides soothing relief for sore throats and helps to stop the tickle that stimulates coughing. Raw honey is high in nutrients and enzymes that kill bacteria and viruses. The vitamin C and antioxidants found in fresh lemon boost the immune system, speeding healing. Together these two home remedies are a power house for getting over a cold and sore throat.
Chicken soup antiviral –
Chicken soup knocks out a cold or the flu and hastens healing. It’s recommended to consume chicken soup to fight cold and flu. Take the advantage of the highly antioxidant properties and nutrient found in organic chicken. Go organic all the way and get well quickly.

Mullein tea for coughs and congestion –
Mullein tea is well known for relieving chest congestion for cough, colds and flu. It acts as an expectorant, loosening trapped mucous and soothing sore throats. Make mullein tea by filling a tea bag or strainer with dried mullein herb ad steeping in a cup of boiling water for ten minutes. Sweetened with raw honey and drink needed to relieve symptoms.
Lemon Juice -
Lemon juice possess anti bacterial, antiviral and immune building properties. It fights diseases and infections with high levels of bio flavoring, pectin, limousine, citric acid, magnesium, calcium and vitamins. It stimulates digestion, promoting weight loss .

 Lemon juice mixed with water and swish helps to relieve a sore throat. Add salt and gargle for  tonsillitis.Add lemon juice to hot tea and honey to reduce fever, fight the flu, and relieve nausea.
 Drinking lemon juice helps to fight fatigue and replace electrolytes after vigorous exercises and overheating.
  Stop a nose bleed with lemon juice applied to cotton and placed in the nostrils.
 Reduce hypertension and lower LDL cholesterol with its juice.
Prevent diabetes, relieve constipation, strengthen gums and teeth, cure kidney stones, heart diseases and strokes, lower body temperature and fight cancer with lemons.

  Hot lemon water –
 First thing in the morning, a glass of warm lemon water flushes the system, relieves edema, acts as diuretic, aids in digestion, fights hunger cravings, promotes weight loss and helps to prevent cravings.

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