Thursday 26 May 2016

Accident Claims In Darlington, Durham, Hartlepool & Sunderland

Accident Claims In Darlington, Durham, Hartlepool & SunderlandWe're pretty sure that, thanks to the huge number of advertising campaigns for No Win No Fee” lawyers that have been around in recent years, you will know that if you have been involved in an accident in the last 3 years that wasn't your fault, you may be entitled to compensation for any injuries and financial losses you have suffered.

A fatal accident has a devastating effect on those left behind. The pain of losing a loved one is often more acute when someone else is to blame. It is a distressing time and victim's families are often left in a state of shock not knowing where to turn. The impact of a fatal accident immediately affects the emotional well being of the victim's families and what soon follows is panic and concern about the financial situation.

Finally, whether the lack of disclosure is intentional or not, Colonial benefits from cancelling people's health policies and then continuing to tack a $17.92 a month fee for accident insurance onto bank accounts without ever happening to mention they didn't cancel both policies. Again, from July 2012 to January 2013, I had absolutely no communication from Colonial indicating I still had a policy with them until I noticed the fee on my bank statement. Do not buy this company's insurance! They will waste your money and your time trying to communicate with them and get things sorted out later.

We are aware of insurance companies attempting to settle claims directly with accident victims
without even sight of a medical report. Our Mr Gallen had occasion in a recent case whereby a client had been offered £3,000.00 directly by the insurance company to settle within 48 hours of the accident without a medical report. We advised the client to have the matter properly medically investigated and we obtained an orthopaedic report, a radiological examination and an MRI scan. Investigations revealed pre-existing problems in the neck. The case was eventually settled for agreed damages in excess of £13,000.00.

Provider fraud consists of claims submitted by bogus physicians, billing for services not rendered, billing for higher level of services, diagnosis or treatments that are outside the scope of practice, alterations on claims submissions, and providing services while medical licenses are either suspended or revoked. Independent medical examinations debunk false insurance claims and allow the insurance company or claimant to seek a non-partial medical view for injury-related cases.

It is important to note that the UK has a three-year limitation period for making personal injury claims London. In some cases, this three-year period starts when one identifies an illness or injury rather than the date when it occurred. This means that people suffering diseases caused by asbestos such as mesothelioma have to make a claim within three years of a diagnosis.
In addition, insurance companies fundamentally do not want to pay large sums of compensation regardless of whether this is owed to you or not. Personal injury solicitors have great experience in dealing with unwilling insurance companies and can ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Sometimes even having a solicitor will be enough to make an insurance company offer you a fair amount of compensation rather than face a trial they are likely to lose.
It takes way too long for them to process claims. Their customer service reps are no longer allowed to put us through to a supervisor when we have a question. They kept 7 days from my recent disability claim, and told me that the waiting period is only when you first open a claim, not every single time you submit a claim. My husband was recently denied his claim for over a year because Kaiser put his diagnosis second on the same line as another admitting diagnosis. And all they keep claiming is that there is nothing that proves that he had a sickle cell crisis last October 30th, when the discharge paper clearly states that he did.

If pre-court procedures have not been completed and the three year limitation period is drawing near an application must be brought within the limitation period before a Judge. The Judge may make orders allowing proceedings to be filed outside the three year period once pre-court procedures have been completed. However, such proceedings must usually be filed within 60 days of a compulsory conference.

However, since mid 1995 the case law has taken on a considerable change in direction with respect to judicial treatment of TMJ cases and now the courts are awarding separate amounts for the TMJ injury. This is a marked departure from the global approach to quantification which lumped both the whiplash and the TMJ injury into one award at the high end of the scale for that kind of whiplash injury.

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