Thursday 26 May 2016

Accident Claims Specialists

Accident Claims Specialists
Accident claims advice is here to assist you in the event of you suffering some form of personal injury and thinking of making an accident compensation claim.

Its not all about the fatal accident compensation. Our specialist fatal accident claims solicitors helps the family achieve a sense of justice by taking action against the Defendant to prove fault and to legally represent the family at the Inquest to help investigate the cause of death. Very often the Defendant denies responsibility or the cause of death is not always clear, which is why expert legal advice from specialist fatal accident claim solicitors are required to achieve justice and to claim the maximum amount of compensation.

A Coroner's Court is a Court of enquiry and not a Criminal or a Civil Court. Its finding of the cause of death could be natural causes, industrial / occupational disease, dependency on drugs / non-dependant abuse of drugs, want of attention at birth, suicide, attempted abortion, accident, misadventure, self-neglect, lawful killing, unlawful killing, still birth and possibly an open verdict (An open verdict means the court was unable to reliably establish a cause of death).

In staged collision fraud, fraudsters use a motor vehicle to stage an accident with the innocent party. Typically, the fraudsters' vehicle carries four or five passengers. Its driver makes an unexpected manoeuvre, forcing an innocent party to collide with the fraudster's vehicle. Each of the fraudsters then files claims for injuries sustained in the vehicle. A recruited” doctor diagnoses whiplash or other soft-tissue injuries which are hard to dispute later.

The cause of an accident is not always obvious. In many situations, one party may be completely to blame. However, it is also true that more than one, or several, factors contributed to the accident that has occurred. Moreover, one of the causal factors may have in fact been the negligence of the injured party himself. How then can blame be apportioned? Is the injured party entitled to any form of compensation if he or she has contributed, albeit slightly, to their own downfall? These are all issues that your solicitor will need to analyse with you.

The deceased was diagnosed with breast cancer and brought a malpractice action against the defendant Dr. Afridi of Grande Prairie, Alberta. After the deceased died her husband and children brought an action under the Fatal Accidents Act. One of the very unusual aspects about this case was that the plaintiffs alleged that the defendant doctor altered the deceased's medical records after the fact to divert responsibility from himself to the deceased!

This proceeding arose from an action brought against Colonial and its claims adjusters, Equifax Inc. and J. T. Sharkey, for violation of Insurance Code section 790.03, subdivision (h), breach of contract, and breach of the duty of fair dealing and good faith. fn. 1 Plaintiff, administratrix of the estate of Luella Burton, seeks general and punitive damages based on defendants' conduct in attempting to settle a claim made by Burton under an accident policy issued by Colonial.

DON'T ignore time limits set by your policy. Most policies require a signed proof of loss within a certain time limit. Be sure you comply with this requirement unless you obtain a written waiver from your insurance company. Many policies allow you only one year from the date of loss in which to bring a legal action if your claim has not been adjusted fairly. If your claim hasn't been settled to your satisfaction 11 months after your loss, consult an attorney immediately. A failure to do so could result in the loss of your right to sue.

Mrs. Palmquist had worked at various rather low level jobs such as a server and as a home cleaner for a company called Mini-Maid. However, she stopped working outside the home when she became pregnant with Michelle. When her husband died, she had not worked outside of the home since. She testified that she and Mr. Palmquist had agreed to her being home because they did not want anyone else raising their children.

When I was getting signed up for a hospital confinement policy, I was told by Sherrie that I could cancel at any point after we had our baby. To just let her know and that she'd take care of it. I was under this impression during the entirety of my policy which I had for over a year, that I could simply cancel at any point. When I tried to cancel my policy, she then said that I would have to wait another 6 months, and that she can't cancel me. I asked her why she told me and other employees who signed up at the same time that we could cancel at any time and she was evasive and wouldn't answer the question directly.

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