Saturday 24 September 2016

Maintain Fitness With Growing Age

Fitness is probably the easiest way to stay fit and healthy. We need to be enthusiastic and energetic to maintain a healthy life style. Start a day with a warm up that begins with citrus. This is considered to be one of the best enhancer of the stretching routine. With this being a perfect beginner for the work out of the day. Mostly seen that we get all carbs set down at the butt and the abdominal region. For wiping out these, just it needs to follow certain specific exercises as a part of daily life.

Easy and effective exercises followed every day -
Exercise for abdominal strengthening 
Quite are easy to be done while one is driving a car, watching movie or working at the office.This is just a part of inhaling and exhaling exercise. Preferably the breathe from stomach or diaphragm. Move up the stomach up and down with inhalation and exhalation of air.Recommended inhaling, pull the abdominal muscles inside and hold for a few seconds. This need to be continued for several times a day for getting a stronger abs as soon as possible.

Leg squats –
For this simple exercise, just it needs a chair and a little bit of time. One can easily place a chair in front of them with their hands on the back of the chair, and then need to stand up straight. Feet should be shoulder width apart.

Next bend at knees, going down as far as one feels comfortablilty. Using muscles in legs and not arms, the person needs to push self back to the starting position. When this is repeated with chair for some days. One can remove the chair and continue without that.

Triceps dips –
This is considered to be one of the greatest exercises for arms. Continued to be same as the previous work outs. But the thing that needs to be remembered is to be careful not to bounce back to the starting position. One needs to repeat this 8 to 10 times for better results.

Toning under arms –
This might be quite funny, yet effective. One can hold two oranges in each hand and perform triceps lifts. While in a seated position on a bench, bend forward and raise the arms backward. This will lead to isolation of the triceps and need to be repeated 10 to 15 times for each arm.

Push- ups –
Quite easy and effective with giving good results. Facing the wall, one need to stand about 2 feet distance. Then can stretch hands shoulders – width apart on the wall. Bend only at the elbows and lower body towards the wall. Keep the body firm throughout the exercise. Push body back to the starting position and repeat the same 8 to 10 times.

These exercises are really effective with weight loss and maintaining a great figure. Comparative to any other forms of work outs, these are quite simple and don’t need to put a lot of pressure on the body physique.

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