Saturday 24 September 2016

Fitness Tips For teenagers

Growing generation gap between people has changed with a lot of perspectives. Technology has been making people specially the teenagers lazy. This is what has resulted into a number of diseases attacking human body day to day. Our eating habit, day to day work outs does have a copious impact on these perspectives.
Self esteemed and body image –
When talk about self- esteem, it is all about the feeling that worth and how much we feel the value of other people. This is quite good as being affecting the personality and mental health as well. They are quite realistic and need to make the feeling of being appreciated. Usually people with high self esteem know their personality for what they are. They have a particular control on their strength and weaknesses. But when the concern is about the body image.  For People mostly in their early teens, body image can be closely linked to self esteem. Many are there who struggle in their teens to fit into the changes that they are going across.
      Facts to fitness –
Especially for teens it’s mostly important that they must maintain a proper body weight. This is because there body undergoes a lot of physical and chemical changes. Rather that even impact on their brain development. There are certain facts that need to be followed as like –
Participation in all types of physical activities and sports.Maintaining a proper diet food rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins and lipids in perfect amount.
Work outs for at least 30 minutes daily.
Doing physical works more and not depending on machines.

Benefits of fitness activities –
For fitness, there are a lot of benefits for the teenagers as like –
Helps to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints.
Facilitating weight control, build lean muscles and reducing fats.

Preventing or delaying the development of high blood pressure and reduce blood pressure in adolescents with hypertensions.

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