Sunday 25 September 2016

Homemade Health Care

As the expense and hassle of conventional medicine continues to rise, home remedies are taking a toll and have become increasingly popular. Beyond the convenience, home remedies have found favor with an individual who wants to take a more holistic approach to its ailments.
The information we present here can enhance your overall health. Our home remedies offer detailed, easy- to – follow steps, using items that are available in your kitchen and medicine cabinet. It’s time to take your health care into your own hands.

Some general remedies:-

Drink peppermint tea  “ tea has been used for centuries as a remedy for nasal decongestion’ –
Allergy sufferers have been depending on the hot tea which has been helpful to provide relief for elogged up noses and irritated to bring on changes to the mucous membrane with a swelling.

Anemia –
Anemia is not at all a common form of disease, but it can turn everyday tasks into unbearable chores. Anemia results mainly from a nutritional deficiency. It is a condition in which your red blood cell count gets lower that would avoid the passage of enough of oxygen to various parts of your body. Symptoms of anemia include weakness, fatigue, and shortness of breath, hair loss, confusion and ale skin. Here are some home remedies that might save you a trip to the doctor.

Dry cereal- 
Fix yourself a bowl of your favorite cereal, and you will be waging a battle against anemia. Now a days you can have a broad range of dry cereals that are rich with a nutrient punch of iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Pour some milk over your flakes and dig in.

Beef liver –
Beef liver is rich in iron and all the B vitamins (including B- 12 and folic acid). Other animal sources of iron include eggs, cheese, fish and chicken.

Beet –
Beets are rich in folic acid, as well as many other nutrients like fiber and potassium. The easiest and flavorful way to prepare beets is in microwave. The most nutrient – dense part of the beet is right under the skin.

Spinach –
Green leafy vegetables contain loads of iron and folic acid. Spinach has 3.2 mg of iron and 130 mcg of folic acid per ½ cup.

Wash ‘ hot water showers can help rinse off pollen and open up your sinuses’ –
If you have spent long hours outdoor during the pollen season, wash your hair to remove pollen after you come inside. The sticky yellow stuff tends to collect o the hair, making it to fall into the eyes. If ever you wake up at midnight with a coughing, sneezing allergy attack, a hot shower may wash off the pollen residues you have collected on your body throughout the day. It can open up your sinuses, making breathing a little easier. If your eyes are itchy and irritating and you have no access to allergy medicines, rinsing your eyes with cool, clean water may help to soothe them.

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