Tuesday 13 September 2016

Food Requirement

The kind and amount of food need by a person depend upon the following factors:
1. Age of the person: Young and growing children need more protein in their diet. Proteins are important in building up their body. Old people need less protein.
2. Sex of the person: A male need more food than a female. Similarly, a boy required more food than a girl.
3. Nature of work: A laborer doing manual work requires more food than a clerk doing table work in office.
You may be a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian depends upon the type of food you eat. The following table gives information about the amount of different food stuffs that children of your age should eat daily. This table is provided by ICMR.
Requirement Dite for Vegetarian (10-12 years)
Requirement Dite for Non-Vegetarian (10-12 years)
1. Cereals
320 gm
320 gm
2. Pulses
60 gm
60 gm
3. Green leafy Vegetables
100 gm
100 gm
4. Other Vegetables
50 gm
50 gm
5. Fruits
50 gm
50 gm
6. Milk
250 gm
200 gm
7. Fats and Oils
35 gm
35 gm
8. Meat, Fish and Eggs
30 gm
9. Sugar and Jaggery
50 gm
50 gm

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