Friday 15 July 2016

happier and skinnier

This one simple change will make you happier and skinnier

                                    Of course, greatly reducing your food consumption is an obvious way to lose weight fast. But it will leave a bad mood, low and is generally not much fun to be with.

At least, that is what is expected. But science has recently surprised when a study published in Archives of Internal Medicine published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that eating less really seems people feel very good. Lose up to 25 pounds in two months and look more radiant than ever with the new plan of Youth in 8 weeks.

Experts have long known that calorie restriction is excellent for helping people lose weight, improve your overall health and even live longer. What they are not so sure? How could affect the overall quality of life. Like, if you cut way back on your portions, it will leave the fog and tired all the time. Or if life gets pretty miserable when you can not eat dessert, like, once a month.

And while the answers to these questions may seem obvious, the researchers decided it was time to carry out an experiment to find out. Therefore, 220 non-obese men and women were divided into two groups assigned the first group to restrict your daily calorie intake by 25% over 2 years. (So ​​someone usually eat a 2,000-calorie diet would be to eat 500 calories less per day). The second group was told to continue eating as much as they wanted.

At this point, you might expect it was only a matter of time before the calorie restriction group formed a mutiny angry with investigators. Or maybe they have completely and spent the day sitting casually in the corner, pizza cheese drawings and donuts with ice cream.

But except, that is not what happened at all. After using questionnaires to measure the mood of each subject, the quality of life, sleep and sexual function, researchers found that subjects in the calorie restriction group were basically done great. Better, in fact, the subjects were allowed chow in unlimited amounts of food. Compared to free-for-all room, the calorie restriction group has significantly improved mood states were less tense, got better sleep, and even reported a better sex life.

People in the calorie restriction group also lost an average of about 17 pounds, compared to only one book for people in the other group. And while the game is less surprising, the study authors suspect that the change of scale could have a lot to do with but why calorie restrictors have reaped all these other benefits. After all, it is no secret that weight loss often leads to an increase in energy and a time to sleep easier. And if you want to lose weight, watching the pounds come off is a pretty big mood stimulant itself. Trade in processed foods rich in refined carbohydrates for cleaning may also make you less suspicious to the ups and downs that tend to come with the consumption of large amounts of sugar - if you're even keel in place everywhere.

Does this mean that you will have a most incredible life in general, if the calories were reduced by 25%? Hard to say. Although the results of the study are interesting, there is still evidence of mountains to suggest that diets can mess with your head and make it harder to lose weight long term.

But ultimately, it is what is good for you. weight loss methods work best when they are something that can be maintained for life but not just a few weeks or months. So if you want to try caloric restriction, take some time to think seriously about whether it is something that will be able to do so in the long term. If the answer is no, perhaps not the best choice. And if the answer is yes? It may be worth trying. But before you start, talk to your doctor and dietitian. It is important to ensure that you'll always be able to hit all your nutritional bases significantly while eating less food.

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