Saturday 1 January 2011

Home Insurance Policies

Home Insurance Policies - Most quality home insurance polices will provide cover against the cost of replacing locks to your property this includes alarms and safes too, even if the keys are lost or stolen.

So if your house keys have been lost of stolen what should you do next? Well if you are cover for this on your home insurance policy you should make a claim straight away and contact your home insurance provider via the telephone. You should ask yourself a few questions such as is there any immediate danger of your keys being used? Has your handbag or wallet been lost or stolen? Are there any important documents stating your name and address details in it? If there are then I suggest you write down a list of what other items have been lost. You should then report this to the police immediately and then they will give you a crime reference number.
Home Insurance Policies
Home Insurance Policies.

However, here are a few suggestions that could help you reduce the chance of your household keys being lost or stolen. Always keep your house keys out of sight at home or whilst outside. Never leave your handbag unattended especially in a public place such as in a pub, club or traveling on public transport. It takes seconds for a thief to strike and take your keys. Don't leave your house keys on a hook near the back or front door of your property, or even in sight on the kitchen table too. Also remove keys from window locks from your home, as a thief could break in through the window and then use the door as an escape route out of your property. Never keep your address details with your house. Never leave your house keys unattended at work as colleagues how know where you live could make copies of your house keys. It could also be an idea to change the locks when you move into a new property as the old occupier of the house may have kept copies of your properties keys.

If you're house keys have been lost of stolen then always get the locks changed straight away and you don't have home insurance before, take action into protecting your home.